HALI PUMPS provides you 24×7 service from spare parts to supply, reconditioning & repair, to services like inspection, maintenance support, consulting and training.

As your privileged technology and service partner, we are committed to close collaboration with all of our customers in order to support them in achieving the best performances.

Customer satisfaction on a long-term basis is our commitment. Our services are dedicated to ensuring our customers the highest availability and longest lifetime of their installations at low maintenance costs.

Our Technical sales team will visit your company to inspect your work environment to determine your specific needs.

After examining your needs and analyzing our products, we determine the most suitable products to perform the required job safely and comfortably.

Our sales staff is trained to assess if your company’s staff will need training in the products received. If the need is found, our staff will provide the training.

When products are delivered to your company, HALI PUMPS initially call &/ or visit the customer within one to three (1-3) weeks to determine customer’s satisfaction with products.

Follow-Up calls/visits are also made one to three months to determine product performance and to determine your company’s future needs.

After Sales Services By SEJ Watertech
After Sales Services By SEJ Watertech